News and media coverage of my research.
On Research & Publications
- Selected media coverage of “Do Lethal Control Interventions Reduce Human-Wildlife Conflict? Evidence from Black Bears in British Columbia“, 2024, Working Paper.
- Squamish Chief: “Killing B.C. black bears doesn’t reduce human conflict, finds study“
- Vancouver is Awesome: “Killing B.C. black bears doesn’t reduce human conflict, finds study“
- CKNW Radio: “Does killing black bears reduce human-bear conflict?“
- Selected media coverage of “Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades“, 2024, Science.
- CBC: “World’s most effective climate policies identified in new study“
- Wall Street Journal: “Most Climate Policies Don’t Work. Here’s What Science Says Does Reduce Emissions.“
- New York Times: “Many Climate Policies Struggle to Cut Emissions, Study Finds“
- The Economist: “Why it’s so hard to tell which climate policies actually work“
- Financial Times: “Climate policy success needs mix of three factors, study finds“
- CNN: “1,500 policies to fix global warming were implemented in 41 countries. Here are the ones that worked best“
- Nature: “AI analysed 1,500 policies to cut emissions. These ones worked“
- ORF (Austrian Broadcasting): “Politische Maßnahmen haben wenig Wirkung“
- Der Standard: “Von 1500 Maßnahmen für weniger Emissionen waren nur 63 sehr erfolgreich“
- The Conversation (Australia): “Researchers analysed 1,500 climate policies to find what works. These are the lessons for Australia“
- GRIST: “What climate policies work best? A new study has answers.“
- Altmetric Summary of Media Coverage here.
- Selected media coverage of “Attributing agnostically detected large reductions in road CO2 emissions to policy mixes“, 2022, Nature Energy.
- Der Standard: “Studie stellt österreichischer Verkehrspolitik schlechtes Zeugnis aus“
- Morning News: “Fuel price increases and green vehicle incentives: The best climate policy for road transport“
- Univ. of Oxford Smith School Press Release: “Identifying the public policies that cut road transport emissions by up to 26%“
- Selected media coverage of “Variation in responsiveness to warranted behaviour change among NHS clinicians: novel implementation of change detection methods in longitudinal prescribing data“, 2019, in the BMJ.
- BMJ Editorial: “One day or day one? Uptake of new prescribing guidance in general practice”
- Medscape: “Some GPs Can Take Months To Adopt New Prescribing Guidelines“
- Financial Times (Tim Harford): “There is science behind the spread of good ideas“
- Selected media coverage of “Uncertain impacts on economic growth when stabilizing global temperatures at 1.5°C or 2°C warming“, 2018, in Phil. Trans. A.
- Carbon Brief Interview: “Limiting global warming to 1.5C would have ‘significant economic benefits“
- The Daily Mail: “Two degrees no longer seen as global warming guardrail: studies“
- CBC Canada: “Paris goal too little to avoid worst effects of climate change, scientists say“
- Huffington Post: “Même un réchauffement climatique limité à 2° aura une incidence importante“
- Swiss National Radio (SRF) Interview: “Mehr als 1,5 Grad sind Gift für die Weltwirtschaft“
- Selected media coverage of “Spatial heterogeneity of climate change as an experiential basis for skepticism“, 2017, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:
- Scientific American: “Climate Change Skepticism Fueled by Gut Reaction to Local Weather“
- The Independent: “Americans who live in cold places ‘less likely to believe in global warming’“
- Daily Mail: “The climate change deniers map of America: Researchers find those who don’t believe in global warming are likely to live in a cold area“
- Forbes: “Beliefs About Climate Change May Reflect A Failure To Understand What Climate Change Is“
- Breitbart: “Those who experience hot weather likely to buy global warming“
- Forskning.no (Norwegian Popular Science Magazine): “Holdninger til klimaendringer kan henge sammen med været der du bor“
- Oxford Martin School News: “Study suggests people’s belief in climate change is influenced by their local weather“
- Interview with ORF (Austrian Public Broadcasting): “Klimawandel: Skepsis gedeiht in der Kälte“
- Radio Interview with OE1 (Austrian Public Radio): “Klimawandel: Je kühler, desto skeptischer“
- Selected media coverage of “Carbon Dioxide Emission-Intensity in Climate Projections: Comparing the Observational Record to Socio-Economic Scenarios” (Pretis and Roser, 2017) in Energy:
- Selected media coverage of “Detecting Volcanic Eruptions in Temperature Reconstructions by Designed Break-Indicator Saturation” (Pretis et. al 2016) in Journal of Economic Surveys:
- The Economist article on the warming hiatus referencing “Testing Competing Models of the Temperature Hiatus” (Pretis et al. 2015) in Climatic Change
- Selected media coverage on the research by Estrada et al. (2013) and “Climate Science: Breaks in Trends“, (Pretis and Allen, 2013) in Nature Geoscience:
- BBC News: ‘Ozone chemicals ban linked to global warming ‘pause’
- National Geographic: ‘Montreal Protocol helped slow down global warming’
- Science News: ‘ Historical events linked to changes in Earth’s temperature’
- The Australian: ‘Ozone Action linked to Hiatus’
- ORF: ‘FCKW-Verbot kühlte die Atmosphäre’
- Focus:‘ Umweltabkommen können Erderwärmung drosseln’
- Der Spiegel: ‘Ozonschicht-Schutz soll Klimawandel-Pause erklären’
- Tagesspiegel: ‘Gut für den Globus’
- Deutschlandfunk Radio: ‘Gebremster Klimawandel?’
- VOX EU article with reference to Hendry and Pretis (2013):
- Der Falter (Austrian weekly-newspaper): Interview on what determines climate skepticism (Titled “Endlich Waermer”).
- CFAX Canadian Radio: Economic Impacts of Climate Change and 1.5C
On Photography
- “King of the Road” in BBC Wildlife Magazine (pdf)
- “Midnight Companion” at Smithsonian Institute (pdf)
- “Salmon Hunt” in Digital Photographer (pdf)